Facing the IRS isn’t something you should have to do alone. No matter what your taxation situation may be, the team at Hurwitz|Wheeler Tax Compliance is ready to help you and to represent you with authority. We have a depth of experience in dealing with all facets of IRS intervention and take pride in resolving them with swiftness, to the most amiable outcome possible. Take a look at what we in Petaluma, CA can help you navigate:
IRS Tax Levy and Lien
Levies and IRS tax liens refer to two distinct collection actions that often involve a similar approach to correct. Sometimes these collection actions are incorrectly referred to as a “garnishment.” An IRS tax levy or lien is billed on a flat-fee basis.
IRS Tax Audits
More accurately referred to as an “examination,” an IRS tax audit can be conducted both by correspondence and by personal appearance. Audit work is billed on an hourly basis plus expenses.
Delinquent Tax Returns
Many times a tax resolution plan begins with the filing of delinquent tax returns. Sometimes just bringing federal and state returns up to date will resolve your issue. Delinquent tax returns are billed on a flat-fee basis.
Offer in Compromise (OIC)
One of the most complex and misunderstood actions. An offer in compromise is your opportunity to pay many times less than you actually owe. A powerful tool when performed competently. OICs are billed on a flat-fee basis plus expenses.
Currently Not Collectible (CNC)
Similar to the OIC, but requires an alternate strategy to develop the correct response or claim. CNCs are billed on a flat-fee basis plus expenses.
State and Local Tax Issues
Payroll, sales, and property tax issues can be efficiently resolved. State and local tax issues are variously billed on a flat-fee, hourly or contingency basis, or a combination.
Tax Penalty Abatement
Often overlooked and frequently incorrectly charged by tax agencies. Even when no alternative to paying the tax exists, removing penalties can provide significant savings. Penalty abatements are billed on a flat-fee basis.
Tax Installment Plans
Installment plans provide an opportunity to take care of your tax burden monthly, billed just like a credit card account. Installment plans are billed on a flat-fee basis.
Amendments and Claims
Tax law is complex; something that seems small early on can become a significant issue. Many times making corrections or filing claims can be to your advantage. Amendments and claims are variously billed on a flat-fee, hourly or contingency basis, or a combination.
Collection Due Process
Before your property is seized, a hearing is held offering you an opportunity to provide alternative methods of resolving your debt. Collection due process hearings are billed on an hourly basis plus expenses.
Don’t forget, we’re also a tax preparation service in Petaluma, Haystack, Lakeville, and Liberty, CA! We can help you avoid many of the inconvenient situations listed above and keep your tax record on the level. For more information about our capabilities, contact us today by calling 707-775-2950.